Sunday 25 September 2011

CAMHS Professionals - This is for you...

Are you a professional with experience in child and adolescent mental health?

Would you appreciate the opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary team?

Perhaps you are keen to have a more flexible work life, taking on assignments in schools as they arise.  If this is a picture that resonates with you, then we should talk.  ASEND is recruiting now, and we are particularly keen to hear from people who have knowledge and expertise around disability and mental health.

Contact to talk about ways that we could work together to the benefit of children and young people with SEN, disability and mental health issues.

Sunday 18 September 2011

A couple of case studies

Here are just a couple of ways that we have worked with schools recently.  It gives you a small taste of the way that ASEND advisors work, and the contribution that we can make to provision for disabled and SEN children in schools.

Need a SENCO?

A school in London approached ASEND for a consultant SENCO when they had a vacancy.  ASEND worked with staff to promote quality first teaching throughout the school, reducing numbers on the SEN register whilst improving pupil progress. The consultant streamlined the review process, supported the recruitment of a permanent first class SENCO and continued to liaise with the school as a “critical friend”. As a result, staff and parent confidence has risen and pupil outcomes are much improved.

Improving provision for children with learning difficulties

The head of a primary school asked ASEND to help them to plan for and monitor the progress of a group of children with learning difficulties, some of whom had additional needs.  ASEND’s specialist teacher provided training for teachers and teaching assistants on P Levels, communication and personalisation of the curriculum and modelled lessons. Progress was good for both disabled children and their non-disabled peers.

Contact us at to talk about ways that we can help your school.

Sunday 11 September 2011

ASEND news for September

After a busy summer preparing to launch ASEND we are now working with a number of schools.

It has been an exciting journey and we have had a lot of support and encouragement.  Schools seem keen to involve us in the delivery of high quality support for disabled pupils, and our Advisor recruitment is well underway.

If you are interested in working with ASEND as an Advisor then please contact us for an Expression of Interest form.  Or you might like to come along to our Welcome Event just after half term.

We are recruiting specialist advisory teachers, educational psychologists, former headteachers from mainstream and special schools, as well as a variety of therapists, social workers and health professionals with expertise in the area of disability and SEN.

The launch of so many new Free schools this September is an interesting development in the world of education.  One thing that we are keen to do is to make contact with some of these evolving educational establishments to explore creative ways to include disabled children in the classroom.  

September is also transition time for many disabled children - whether from nursery to school, primary to secondary school or from school to college.   We can support you to address any emerging needs presented by these changes - and develop plans accordingly.  Do get in touch if this is an issue for your school.